Ever felt helpless when playing a video game? Worry not, the PlayStation Community has your back!
Introducing Community Game Help, a new enhancement for Game Help powered by user-generated content!

According to a recent announcement on the official
, Playstation is thrilled to introduce a new enhancement for the Game Help launching later this year: Community Game HelpCommunity Game Help allows the PlayStation Community to expand the library of helpful tips and tricks through their own contribution.
Enhanced Game Help experience will be available to all PS5 players, whether or not they have a Playstation Plus Subscription. However, please note that only supported games will allow players to generate content for Community Game Help.
Here’s how to get help from your fellow community members!
Community Game Help will be largely similar with the current Game Help Experience. If you need a hand, simply press the PS button to open the Control Center and look for card with the “Hints inside” icon.

In addition to the current developer-generated hints, you will eventually see a hint labelled “Community Game Help”, indicating they were made by your fellow PS5 players. You may rate the effectiveness of these hints, allowing PlayStation to provide the best hints for players seeking assistance.
You wish to help out the community? Here’s what you need to do
Simply head over to the Settings Menu, and turn “on” Participate.
Go to [Captures & Broadcasts] >[Captures] > [Auto Captures] > [Community Game Help], then select [Participate] to opt in to the program.
You can also select the monthly capture limit to control how many videos you will allow to be captured from your gameplay per month.