Digimon 25th Anniversary Celebrates with Releases of new VPET and Pendulum

Relive the Digimon Adventure: 25th Anniversary surprises fans with new VPET and Pendulum releases!

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Digimon celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, and the surprises just keep coming! Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming must-have collectibles for all Digimon fans!

First Off, Who and What is As’Maria

As’Maria is a Japanese illustrator and designer, he was also involved with drawing for Digimon. He was initially tasked with designing Metal Garurumon and was later responsible for designing more than twenty X-Antiybody Digimon!

The new As’Maria VPETs, WarGreymon X and MetalGarurumon X, are, as you know it, designed by As’Maria. As’Maria made new art that is said to mix his style, cyberpunk and a digital mosaic. The only part of the design that wasn’t designed by As’Maria is the LCD backing.

What is unique about it

The WarGreymon X and Metal Garurumon X uses the American Digimon X program which mean everything will be in English! This is very rare for Digivice product especially for special editions.

25th Annivesary comes with a Color Pendulum!


Digimon has revived one of its beloved Digivice. Giving it a color screen for its 2024 revival! The biggest upgrade is the color screen, which can’t be found in the older Pendulum. The new device will work similarly as the old one.  

The new Digivice comes in 3 different colors

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Standard Edition (White)

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Taichi Yagami Edition (Orange)

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Ishida Yamato Edition (Blue)

And Another! Color Pendulum


4 Wind Guardians, 5 Metal Empire, and Zero Virus busters has been introduced to the Pendulum Color lineup-- the second wave has the same physical and technical aspects.

It’s based on the original design, but with an upgraded USB-C and a rechargeable battery.

Wave 2 Pendulum Colors also comes in 3 different colors!

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

4 Wind Guardians (Green)

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

5 Metal Empire (Black)

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Zero Virus busters (White)

With all these exciting releases and surprises in celebration of Digimon's 25th anniversary, there's a lot to look forward to! Stay tuned for more updates on new collectibles, games, and events that will keep the Digimon adventure alive. Don't miss out on the latest news—follow us to be the first to know about upcoming releases and exclusive content! Let's celebrate the digital world together!

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